Friday, August 28, 2009

the location

I found promontory point in December of 2007, and ever since then I've compared everything to it. It's stunning. Promontory Point is part of the Chicago Park district. The building was built on a man made peninsula in 1909. You walk in through the tower door and then the open room with all the french doors is off to the left. There are flagstone patios on both the east and west sides of the building. It's not too big and it's not too expensive, but the parking situation is pretty bad and because the building isn't on a public road. It actually sits on a bike path so our guests would have to park on the other side of lake shore drive. It's about a ten minute walk so the our grandparents might have an issue getting over there. I've been looking at shuttle services, but I'm not sure how to coordinate that. I'm hoping that the park won't be too crowded for the holiday weekend. Brady keeps assuring me that we're getting married early enough that it shouldn't be a problem. I hope he's right.

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